Course Detail

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Course Summary

Creative Writing Advanced
Course Code:
Friday 26 April 2024
Ramsbottom Library Adult Learning Centre
£50.40 to £100.80


On the Advanced Creative Writing course, you would have ideally completed the Standard Creative Writing course and are now working on a short story, a collection of poems, or a novel in preparation for publication.
Along with the opportunity to further develop your creative writing skills, you will be introduced to a variety of literary devices to help improve your writing for future publication. The course will include workshopping your written piece through submission and feedback.
Topics covered will include Narrative Arc, where you will learn the five common building blocks of narrative structure and how to use them in your story. Character Arc, how using the three-act story structure will chart the path your character takes over the course of your story and how incorporating the inciting incident will set up the stakes and central conflict facing your character. You will also look at the power of archetypes in storytelling through the ages and how to recognise them in your characters, as well as popular Tropes in literature and how to avoid them in your own work. You will also learn about the five basic voices in Storytelling/Literature and how to find your voice with a focus on developing your own unique style. The advanced course will also cover common plot devices such as the Love Triangle and Chekov's Gun as well as help you identify the emerging themes in your written piece. The course will also help you with researching and choosing your genre. A reading of two novels as a study of form, structure, pace, and voice will also be included in the course. Novels to be confirmed on day of enrolment.

Time and Duration

Start Date:
Friday 26 April 2024
Start Time:
Friday Afternoon
Lesson Duration:
Total Weeks:


Ramsbottom Library Adult Learning Centre
Carr Street
0161 253 5772

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Bury Council

Bury Council consists of six towns: Bury, Prestwich, Radcliffe, Ramsbottom, Tottington and Whitefield.

0161 253 5772

Bury Adult Learning Service, Bury Adult Learning Centre, 18 Haymarket Street, Bury, Lancashire BL9 0AQ