This is a course is ideal for learners who are described as neurodivergent. Learning Support will be within the class if needed. A pre course interview is required to ascertain this. Please contact Learner Services on 0161 253 5772 to arrange this.
This 20-week course is designed to help you explore suitable career options and develop skills to help with seeking work in a paid or voluntary capacity. Thought processes differ for this group of people as it does for many within teams. You will be introduced to a range of external key people who can help you further in the voluntary/employment sector.
To assist you with further job/volunteering work, free tablets will be given to students at the end of this course
By the end of the course, I will be able to:
Identify the value of working with others.
Outline effective communication skills.
Recognise difficult situations and explore strategies to cope with them.
Identify conflict resolution.
Differentiate between aggressive and assertive behaviour.
Identify suitable people within an organisation who can help.
Define discrimination in the workplace.
Course information sheet